Former Montco Cop Jailed for Using Informants to Buy Drugs
Former Montco cop jailed for using informants to buy drugs
Filed under: Cost of Cocaine
Becker must pay $ 21,006 in restitution to cover the cost of things that went missing from the Hatboro Police Department's evidence locker, including $ 18,186 in cash and a watch valued at about $ 2,700. “That's not how a police officer … At the time of …
Read more on The Times Herald
Poll: Marijuana Legalization Favored in US, Canada
Filed under: Cost of Cocaine
Support for legalizing cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, or methamphetamines didn't rise above 11% for any of those drugs in either country. The poll was an online survey of 1,005 Canadians and 1,002 Americans conducted November 19 and 20. The results were …
Read more on The Daily Chronic
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