Home Visit From Child Protective Services….What Are They Looking For?

Question by Rebel Chick: Home visit from Child Protective Services….What are they looking for?
What is it Child Protective Services look for when they go into your home for a home visit? Do they look at the condition of the home? Food in the home? Mold? Please any info is appreciated. The person who is getting the visit found out they were coming and cleaned out the house… so now the claim looks like false accusations… advice please…

Best answer:

Answer by *LaLaGina* Due November 14th
Yes they look for all those things. They also look at the emotional condition of the children.

Answer by Leigh
they look at the condition of the house, make sure its a good living place for a child. unfortunately, a lot of the time the parents will clean out the house when they hear CPS is coming. thats why they also will watch how the parents interact with the child, to see if the child seems timid or afraid, and they will sometimes take the child aside and ask them questions, like is your house usually this clean? do you always have food to eat? do your parents get mad sometimes? what do they do when they get mad? that kind of thing. something you can do to help out is if your able and you feel its necessary, take some pictures of the conditions of the house before the parents have time to clean out.