How Common Is It for Heroin to Have Cocaine in It?
Question by Just Me: How common is it for heroin to have cocaine in it?
Best answer:
Answer by ckm1956
Unless it’s intentionally mixed in by the user (“speed balling”), not very.
The two are a very dangerous combo.
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Fox’s chief racist, Bill O’Reilly calls black PhD a coke dealer.mp4 – On an episode that aired 2 years ago on the fox show ,The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly was discussing President Obama’s plan to reinforce the Mexican border with Marc Lamont Hill, a Columbia professor and political contributor to Fox News. Both host and guest agreed that Obama’s proposal seemed insufficient. At one point, while trying to illustrate a point, O’Reilly said to Hill, who is black: “Say you’re a cocaine dealer. And you kind of look like one, a little bit.”Hill laughed it off–“As do you! You look like a cocaine user”
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