How Do I Completely Cut All Ties With My Mother?

Question by llewop ymerej: How do I completely cut all ties with my mother?
Every day of my life my life my mother has told me ‘she wishes she had aborted me’

She has abused every drug from alcohol and marijuana, to LSD and cocaine.

She has abused me in my childhood by beating me with chain link dog chains, phone wire, switches, and has even broke a broom handle over my head leaving scars on my forehead.

After I divorced my exwife. My mother gave money to my ex, all the while my ex hounding me for child support (which i pay)

she babysits the child i pay child support on and acts with my ex to actively prevent me from seeing him.

She has cancer, is on dialisys and wants me around more…

Personally I hate the bitch, but your thoughts are welcome.

Best answer:

Answer by Cuckhold
Listen to 50 ways to leave your lover–It could help!
We can pick our friends but not our family!
Respect has to be earned so don’t feel guilty about ignoring those who don’t earn your respect!

Answer by Small Business Owner in TX
Therapy, friend — won’t help her get better, but will help you come to terms with your own life, and that’s the life you’re living. It’s incorrect to believe that if she dies, the trauma and drama will disappear — instead, your “relationship” with her will become frozen, and it will remain for the rest of your life as it is at the time of her leaving. You’ll have a better life (maybe a lot better) if you can come to terms with it all while she’s still on the planet.

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