How Do I Get Help With Dealing With the Thoughts in My Head and Ait Got the Money to Get Help?
Question by parker: How do I get help with dealing with the thoughts in my head and ait got the money to get help?
i was wondering how to get help with dealing with the thoughts of suicide after me and my older brother were in a wreck where we were being stupid he was driving and i was one of the passangers, and i cant keep my thoughts off the wreck because i keep hearing the truck shredding in my dreams and hearing funny breathing noises.
But i have like no money to see some one to help me.
Best answer:
Answer by Gary Y
Parker, there are hotlines you can call for assistance and advice. Google it, but here’s a start:
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
Answer by Tink
Go to google, then you put in the name of the county (counTY, not counTRY) you live in, or the state, or the province, and follow it with the words “community mental health” or “health department” or “public health” (they get called different things in different places, you might have to try all of those)
Call those numbers, and explain that you need low or no cost mental health assistance. You will end up on having to make one phone call after the other before you get the right place – but eventually you will. Be persistant, please.
Where I live, this is an organization that provides assistance to people with a wide variety of mental health issues – depression, PTSD, drug abuse, etc – so don’t take a look at the link and wonder why I posted it…
If all else fails, go into the office at school and tell them exactly what you wrote here- don’t let “what they might think” get in your way, because really, what does what they might think matter?
Finally, know that all things change. I have had some very, very bleak times in my life. We all get them at one point or another, and when we are going through them time gets this weird quality, and the suffering feels like it has gone on forever, and will continue to do so forever as well. That is the lie of despair. Don’t believe it.
1973 Anti-Alcohol Radio PSA From The Alcohol, Drug Abuse And Mental Health Adminstration – 1973 radio PSA from the ADAMHA. Remember when government tried to help people with problems instead on incarcerate them?