How Do You Know Which People Seriously Need Psychiatric Medication?
Question by zanzibar1021: How do you know which people seriously need psychiatric medication?
Is there a point in a person’s life when it is clear that they basically -need- psychiatric medications to function? Everytime I search “psychiatric medication” on google, many results are about coming off of psychiatric drugs and finding natural solutions. But might some people just really need psychiatric medication? Aren’t there some percentages of the population that aren’t being abused by the system/abusing the system and they simply need those drugs?
Best answer:
Answer by Frank
That’s a question that psychiatrists spend 8 or more years in training to answer.
Ask your doctor for a referral.
Psychiatric drugs do help many people. They don’t help everyone, and there are many people online who blame their problems on the drugs.
Answer by Tiff
No! A persons body does not need psychiatric drugs to function. It is NOT natural. I find that most people on psychiatric drugs are more zombie like than normal. The drugs tend to make the person lacking in emotions or feelings. Personally I think some people need to have more feelings and emotions. They need to care about people, love and etc… They need to experience life in its natural state, not all drugged up.