How Is Cocaine the Drug?

Question by Sweetheart Lovely: how is cocaine the drug?
how is it like to do it? how does it feel to be on it? how much does it take to over dose on it? tell me about it

Best answer:

Answer by Demona
1. Cocaine can be done through snorting it in powder form, smoked in “Rock” form, (Known as Crack) or injected.

2. I’ve never done coke but I know people that have… I’ve been told that it is the greatest feeling you’ve ever had in life that first time you do it… Then you spend the rest of your live trying to find that “Perfect” feeling again… which you can’t…

3. You can’t OD on coke. You can die of complications such as heart attack and stroke but you can’t die of what is defined as an “Overdose”.

National Geographic recently, in the last month or so, did a spectacular documentary on Cocaine. Let me see if I can find it.


? National Geographic: Drugged-High On Cocaine
Cocaine: a powerful and a destructive drug glamorized by models, rock stars and celebrities. We zoom inside the human body from the moment the substance enters our systems. With the guidance of doctors, we learn about the intense highs and painful lows of one of the most widely used stimulants in the U.S.

? Video: What happens to your brain when you snort cocaine?

? Video: A bad reaction to cocaine can lead to life-threatening heart conditions and death.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


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