How Is It Possible to Show Drugs and Drug-Related Activities on Tv?

Question by Andrew Bierbower: How is it possible to show drugs and drug-related activities on tv?
I was just wondering on shows such as Drug Inc. and others how they can show the process of drugs and people handling them. Also, they show people engaging in illicit activities. Are they granted immunity or what?

Best answer:

Answer by John R
No special favors granted, you can bank on that ! The people that wish to participate being filmed and having an addiction to drugs only wish to show “the devastation” that drugs has caused them.

New’s reporters act on there own in the interest of the public and recieve approval before filming anyone! The reporter must submit the film to the editor in chief … he makes the decission and what facts are excluded such as “nude” excessive profanity, so on.

Does it have a impact … sure w/o doubt. People that want to try drugs can see what can happen to them first hand , before they become a drug dependant person!

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