How Much (Dosages, Frequencies, Length of Time) Does It Take to Get Addicted to Oxycoton? (Physically)?

Question by wth138: How much (dosages, frequencies, length of time) does it take to get addicted to oxycoton? (Physically)?

Best answer:

Answer by Suzette
I am certain that it depends upon the person. We all have different chemistries and different personalties. If you need them for pain that is one thing, but never take medication for entertainment.

If your in pain, they are just to keep you feeling well. I have been on pain meds now for over 3 years. I would be in pain but can stop them without any addiction problem. I have been on it 3 to 4 a day since I began.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

'Pharm parties' leading some Western Massachusetts teens to misuse of

Filed under: Effects of Drug Abuse and Addiction

Agawam police officers Robert Burke, left, and John Field show the Drug Display Unit they use in the Addiction Resource Center at Agawam High. …. They're also after heroin to buy, too, because it has the same effect as oxycodone. “Heroin is so much …


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