I Have NEVER Done Cocaine in My Life, Just Came Up Positive for Cocaine, Can It Be Absorbed Through Skin?

by L`N`Y

Question by Melissa: I have NEVER done Cocaine in my life, just came up positive for Cocaine, Can it be absorbed through skin?
I was recently in a wedding party, and I had the duty of staying late and cleaning up after the Jack & Jill and the Wedding after party as well. I am not one to judge other people, just because I don’t do illegal drugs. I just want to know if it is possible to test positive for cocaine from cleaning up after both parties?

Best answer:

Answer by Tapestry6
Police wear gloves when testing for drugs for a reason, but I hear its on $ 20.00 bills too Don’t know how much you have to absorb to test positive but I would talk to my doctor, its nasty stuff.

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by L`N`Y

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