I Know a Friend Addicted…?
Question by Toni S: I know a friend addicted…?
I know afriend addicted to cocaine.. they spend over 300 dollars on it. But she is off of it now. Right now she is living with me and is doing great…because were in a diffrent state, and she doesn’t know where to get it here. Well next weekend me and my boyfriend are going down there, and she wants to go get about 200 dollars..(2 cookies) more worth, i don’t someone to tell me that she needs to go to rehab or anything, i am already trying to help as much as possible, can someone please just tell me what it does to and website explaining it…please
Thanks alot!
Best answer:
Answer by Sara H
Quit enabling your friend. Do NOT get her the drugs, do NOT allow them in your house, etc. It seems tough, but it is a great route to go. I’ve been in your situation, and when I was first told these things, I was angry. How was my sister going to get better if I wasn’t unconditionally loving? But it’s the truth, you have to be hard.
A web page? Try this one: http://www.focusas.com/Cocaine.html
And also go to www.google.com and search for “Cocaine Addiction” and you will have an endless resource …
… And yes, I’m going to say it. She NEEDS to be in rehab. YES YES YES. There is no way around it …. she might be mad at first, but trust me, she’ll thank you later.
Another resource that would be good for YOU is Co-anon.
Their web page: http://www.co-anon.org/
This is a group for FRIENDS and family of cocaine addicts … it will help YOU to understand. She doesn’t go … you go to the meetings and it will help you juggle your life as a friend of a cocain addict.
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Attack Of The Aliens Part 3 – The feature length film about a young boy who is drafted into WWII and his struggles with cocaine addiction.
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