I Need a Legit Website for Steroids?
Question by : I need a legit website for steroids?
Best answer:
Answer by Stefan
You need a legit age for steroids.
Answer by yodenody
I read your other one, steroids won’t shrink your testes… permanently. Make sure you have a good way to go off them BEFORE you start taking them, and don’t overdo it. A lot of people use the Activate Xtreme / Triazole stack as a PCT, so I recommend you grab those.
Is the website you want. They sell (currently) legal prohormones. You cannot get steroids legally in the U.S. without a prescription, the next best things it prohormones, which convert to steroids in your body with the right activator. Sometimes you need to buy two products to get the same results.
Unless your just going crazy to try them, I recommend reading the book “Four Hour Body” by Timothy Ferriss.
In that book, he describes the use of vitamin supplementation and diet changes for active persons, to mimic the effect of anabolic steroids. I have tried some of his natural remedies, and my lifts keep going up, my confidence is through the roof, and I am making my lady friend very tired.
I HIGHLY recommend you go through a natural avenue, before you go the prohormone/steroid route.
Bottom line:
You can’t get steroids here without a prescription. Steroids are a class III drug, like heroin or cocaine. Any website that tries to sell you them is probably a sting operation.
I dare anyone hating on this guy’s quest to really look at the information on steroids, and possibly watch the documentary, “Bigger, Faster, Stronger”
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