I Need Help on a Thesis Statement?

Question by UpInTheClouds: I need help on a thesis statement?
what should my thesis be on “effects teenage drug abuse has on relationships” (relationships like w/ family, friends, boyfriend/girlfriend)
Haha yeah my teacher kept emphasizing on it being the last sentence in the 1st paragraph. Thanks soo much!

Best answer:

Answer by Concerned_Christian
That really varies due to what you think.
MY opinion would be something like this:

Teen Drug Abuse is disastrous on relationships; weather it be with a family member, friend, or significant other. Any time someone is under the influence of a drug, their whole perspective is altered. People act different and may become violent, depressed, or even promiscuous. This has torn families, friends, and couples apart faster than any other thing imaginable. Teen drug abuse can ruin a person, not only said individual, but on loved ones also.

I hope i was going on the right path of what you were looking for… if not, i’m so sorry:)
But feel free to use anything… and don’t forget that your thesis is supposed to be the LAST sentence of your FIRST paragraph:D

Answer by John U
I think you pretty much stumbled upon it without realizing it. You want to talk about teenage drug abuse and how it affects others around them. You already pointed out three or more areas that teenage drug abuse may affect, family, friends, close relationships such as boyfriend/girlfriend. So there you have your thesis. One paragraph on what affects it has on family, the next on friends and the third on close relationships or lack thereof. So you can whip out your thesis, do a rough lead in into it for your intro paragraph, three points for your body paragraphs and wrap it all up in your conclusion.

So I would start with a tentative thesis statement and I’ll use what you have already.

Drug abuse amongst those in their teens has many lasting effects on the abuser themselves but the majority fail to realize what effects their drug abuse has on their family, their friends and those that they have formed boyfriend or girlfriend relationships as well.

So that’s kind of rough but I would work on it as I moved through this thing but anyway now an intro to lead into it and excuse me because I’m just winging it here to give you some ideas of how to go into this so don’t quote any of this as fact.

Drug abuse amongst those in their teen years has seen a steady rise in the last decade despite numerous efforts to educate not only teens themselves but their parents on the associated hazards. From small communities to large the main abuse seems to be alcohol but a rise in the use of cocaine derivatives and designer drugs more commonly referred to as “crack” has taken a toll on todays youth. Many could argue the reasons, perceived, theoretical, real or not as to why this increase is being shown but stemming the tide while informational or educational programs exist and do seem to help there is still more to be done. Given the overall spectrum of the issue it is clear that deterrence factors can be an issue but when in reality it may be more important to deter or worse, rehabilitate those in their teens when we can clearly point out the detrimental effects their drug abuse has on their family, their friends and those that they have formed atypical teen relationships as boyfriend or girlfriend.

Alright you can see that I already changed my original thesis a bit to fit what I wrote but now you have two examples to go by. Anyway now all you need is some credible reference to support your next three paragraphs on Family, Friends and boy/girl friend. Might look at some news stories perhaps too and see if you can find someone that was arrested or something and how their family reacted or maybe they got into a car wreck and I’ve heard of a few where they crashed their car and killed their significant other but there are basic emotional issues to drug abuse too so maybe just run with that. I have a CJ degree so I get carried away sometimes 🙂 Anyway I hope that helps you out a bit and maybe gives a jumpstart and I would just play around with a few ideas and let them fit into your writing style and change it up to suit you if needed but I hope you do well. Cheers.