I Think My Girlfriend May Be Becoming a Cocaine Addict, Advice?
by dbking
Question by : I think my girlfriend may be becoming a cocaine addict, advice?
I’ve been with my girlfriend for 5 years now, our life was going well, we were planning moving out together and starting a family, marriage. We were growing up (we’re 23 by the way, both of us).
This was all well and good, until an old friend of hers who she used to spend a lot of time together with has got back in contact after his life hit the skids. Without going into detail about him, he’s a cocaine addict. Which is where the problem lies. He has a group of friends that my girlfriend has gotten into being friends with (which isn’t a problem) but the fact that they all do coke is a major problem for me.
Well after being round his house alone one day, she ran me when she was headin home, and told me that he pressured her into trying cocaine. She told me at the time that it “did nothing for me” which I was slightly annoyed that she’d tried it, as she always healed scorn on her friends that did this drug, and many other drugs, it was never her doing them. She revealed to me a few days ago that when she was out with this group last week she did cocaine “properly” they bought £50 worth between the 3 of them, and done the lot. She told me that she enjoyed it a lot, and said she was going to do it socially with them from now on. Which might I add disagrees with me.
I told her the whilst I disagree with her doing it socially, that i’d rather she never did it whilst I was around them, or offer it to me. She also told me that she “wouldn’t get addicted” and “would only do it with friends” which I didn’t appreciate her saying, as I realise how easy it is to get addicted to drugs. They’re class A for a reason.
She has bought herself a small glass jar in which to keep it in, which further suggests to me that she will be buying it awayfrom her friends and doing it alone. I’ve also noticed she has been suffering symptoms of cocaine use, (which I realise could be a coincidence, given the weather)
I know it’s a bit longwinded, I just feel she’s getting in with the wrong crowd, and doing drugs is part and parcel of this. I hate drugs, they’ve split my family in 2, and now they’re about to destroy my relationship, I’m really at my wits end. I just feel bad when she’s out with friends without me, and I do worry she could overdose and do herself some real harm.
Thanks if anyone does take the time to read this.
To the law of attraction;
I probably worded that wrong, I did have a problem with it, but she basically told me that whether I liked it or not, she would continue to socially take it.
Best answer:
Answer by hanmondog
better get her to make you a sandwhich before its too late
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Youtube Poop: Ron Stuart is Addicted to Cocaine – A short little Youtube Poop that just happens to be my very first poop ever made. Enjoy the randomness and mediocre quality. IT MAKES ME MAD. (I will make my future poops longer =D)
by dbking
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