Iam Doing a School Project Called Life in Prison ?

Question by caz: iam doing a school project called life in prison ?
i will tell you what i need in a story form
a youth just turned 18 he is at a party and gets caught smugling drug by the police and abusing a girl 1 month befor he was found being a crimnal he robbed a milkbar now he his facing how many year …?in county. i need to know what this 18 yo may be aspecting.
could some one please tell me what he would be aspecting in county jail as the rules and punishment. do they have soliatary confinment. if yes for starting a riot how long would i get in solatatary conminment what food do they eat and what is the uniform from top to bottem and the colours and he is going maximum security
thank you i thought county prison was state prison could you fill the information above about state prison thank you

Best answer:

Answer by Klayno
County jail is only for people saying a few nights – weeks or waiting for a court hearing. After that you go to state prison.
Depending on how many drugs and what type prob looking at 5+ years for drugs unless it was just some weed. Abusing a girl + drugs might be 6+ years in total

It all depends on what kind of abuse they did, how much drugs, what type of drugs, and much much more. There is also no set time. They choose this in court and look at the persons history.

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