If Obama Never Admitted to Stopping Smoking, Blow, or Coke What’s the Chances He’s Still Doing All of Them?
Question by : If Obama never admitted to stopping smoking, blow, or coke what’s the chances he’s still doing all of them?
After the Presidency is a very “stressful” job and stress is the number one reason that people go back to their old drug addict ways.
Obama had written in his first book, “Dreams From My Father” (1995), before entering politics, that he had used marijuana and cocaine (“maybe a little blow”). He said he had not tried heroin because he did not like the pusher who was trying to sell it to him.
Best answer:
Answer by Joey Jo Jo Jr Shabadoo
Dr. Obama is our God
so don’t every criticize him
nothing he does or says is wrong
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A Dagger of the Mind (part 1) – Set in the late 1990s grunge/punk scene, a group of strugging musicins find themselves broke and hopelessly addicted to cocaine. Their only option? To take out their unreliable mddle-man. Follow Mark, his girlfriend Laura, and his bandmates Brad, Phil, and Stacy as they embark on this struggle for power. We had to split it into two parts because the entire video is 15 mins long, and outube wouldn’t let us upload it in one piece.
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