If We Live in a Diverse Society With Rights of Religion, Are Predominantly Christian, and Also Democratic,Then?

Question by CogitoErgoCogitoSum: If we live in a diverse society with rights of religion, are predominantly Christian, and also democratic,then?
how do you explain to legal push to remove Christianity from everything?

Best answer:

Answer by iNotFern
Well, democracies exist to serve both the interests of the majority AS WELL AS protect the rights of the minority by ensuring that they won’t be oppressed. A lot of people seem to forget this second purpose of democracy, because if everything is for the majority then a society degenerates from a democracy to simply a mob rule. Separation of Church and state is, I believe, one of the more intelligent concepts man has ever come up with. Of course, Roger Williams who came up with it was more concerned with the government corrupting the Church, which is the opposite of today’s concerns with Christianity influencing today.

I don’t believe that there is a “legal push to remove Christianity from everything.” Today’s bills and laws only serve to ensure that just because Christianity is a predominant religion, it does not mean that it gets to be intimately intertwined with the law which encompasses people of differing religions.

Answer by Mythos
“Political correctness”.

The high priests of that movement talk a good talk about tolerance, rights, and acceptance, but it turns out they’re the most intolerant and goofy damn crowd of miscreants ever tolerated in a rational society.

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