Is It Fair to Compare Depression or Adhd With Cancer? Am I the Only One Who Thinks This Is Invalid?

Question by Mysterious Person: Is it fair to compare depression or adhd with cancer? Am I the only one who thinks this is invalid?
As someone who has had obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder 1 my whole life, plus a drug addiction and anorexia for 9 years which almost killed me, I simply don’t think it’s a valid comparison. It’s not like I have no idea about mental illnesses, and I have taken several psychiatric drugs myself (but I’m off all of them, and I’m doing much better without) but it aggravates me when I hear people say “You wouldn’t tell someone with cancer to stop taking chemo, so why would you tell someone to stop taking antidepressants or adhd medications?” (this wasn’t directed at me, I personally wouldn’t tell someone to get off their meds. It’s just a really common argument I hear people use) If I was a cancer patient, I would be offended at that. Maybe I’m ignorant. Maybe I don’t understand how people feel, but I mean it’s been rough for me too and it’s a daily battle…I wouldn’t go so far as to compare it to cancer.
@april….I’ve heard it a lot though. I think they meant that both are illnesses and both people need medication?
@april-exactly my thoughts.

Best answer:

Answer by april
Truthfully, you haven’t and won’t hear that comparison. That’s just the most ignorant, made-up statement, I’ve heard in a while.

In the subject of cancer, an inattentive disorder is in no way compared to cancer.. ADHD doesn’t HAVE to be treated with medication. Many of the most successful people have adhd. It takes discipline, not adderal.

Answer by Tarkarri
I have never heard anyone make such a comparison but while the diseases are totally different and not comparable, the need for medication is the same.

I have had the same person who attributed my cancer recovery to my positive attitude tell my daughter to toughen up and do with out the antidepressants when she was on suicidal! I told her where to go and that my treattment was what dealt with my cancer and treatment was what my daughter was getting for her depression.