Is Physical Abuse as a Child Linked to Sexual Addiction as an Adult?

Question by Jack C: Is physical abuse as a child linked to sexual addiction as an adult?
I have been seeing a therapist who specializes in compulsive sexual behaviors. I also attend 12 Step meetings for my sexually compulsive behaviors. My therapist is in agreement that I have a sexual behavior problem, and the therapist uses the term “sexual addiction” in describing my behavior problem. I won’t get into the details. My therapist asks a lot of questions about my childhood, and lately has focused on my father’s disciplinary actions, which can be viewed as physical abuse. Again, I will spare you the details. My therapist seems to imply that my “sexual addiction” is linked to physical abuse as a child. My question is how are the two linked? I am not into BDSM. I have my own theories, and I am interested in hearing your theories, particularly if you were physically abused as a child. I want to stress that I was NOT sexually abused. Thanks. Peace.

Best answer:

Answer by Jayne
Thats an extremely interesting question; as I used to have a friend who was both physically, emotionally and sexually abused, he was a sex addict, who basically then went on to abuse women in relationships….for example……..having 8 to 9 sexual relationships at one time, along with 3 to 4 sexual meetings with consenting adults over a weekend period…..he said it was a power thing over women, because he had been sexually abused by his mother…………good question x

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