Is There a Such Thing as a Drug Called Liquid Crack?
Question by eihtballplayer: Is there a such thing as a drug called liquid crack?
I need to know if this a drug or just something else, I heard someone that I know is taking this and I need to know if this is serious or nothing at all..
Best answer:
Answer by gremLin
it’s not a drug. it’s a beverage. It’s an insidious product entitled ‘Cocaine Energy Drink — The Legal Alternative.’
No, not Diet Coke, but a new beverage being marketed to hip party goers in select night clubs and speciality grocery stores.
Called simply “Cocaine,” the drink doesn’t actually contain any illicit substances instead producing a high from a combination of caffeine, simple sugars, vitamin and herbal suppliments, a numbing agent, and “psychology.”
The inventor and owner of Redux Beverages, Jamey Kirby, explains:
“When a person sees the name of the drink, some psychological effect happens and the person is already experiencing the energy buzz before they even open the can, I can think of no other product except real cocaine that could have that effect on the public.”
Oh, and according to one consumer, it tastes like a “liquid cherry Jolly Rancher.”
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How to use heroin and cocaine combined (DON’T!) – A short doc about a Dutch junkie who shows how to prepare a shot of heroin and cocaine combined! A couple of months later he died. So be warned!
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