Korn Unveil "Never Never," First Track Since Brian Welch's Return
Korn Unveil "Never Never," First Track Since Brian Welch's Return
"Never Never" is also significantly less harsh than you might expect given that Jonathan Davis said he recorded it in a "straight haze" after coming out of drug rehab at "the most ghetto, f–ked-up place I could find." It's actually quite accessible …
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'Breaking Bad': See murderous meth dealer Walter White in bad 80's …
But Cranston's transformation into the villainous drug lord is made even more impressive when taken in context with his entire oeuvre. The fine people of UPROXX did the world public service and dug up some of Cranston's earliest commercial work, which …
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Why the 'holding my nose' recording was leaked
On Thursday, a recording was released of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's campaign manager Jesse Benton saying he was “holding [his] nose” to get through the gig. But the man who recorded the call and subsequently released the recording had …
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