Mexico Government Sought to Withhold Drug War Death Statistics
Mexico government sought to withhold drug war death statistics
Filed under: drug abuse statistics 2010
The government also saw damage to its credibility in 2010 when different agencies released contradictory statistics. "The lesson we got from releasing figures is that no one believed them," said the official, who was not authorized to discuss the …
Mexico releases drug war death toll estimate: One killing every half hour
Filed under: drug abuse statistics 2010
29, 2010. Drug war violence in Mexico took a life an average of every half hour last year in Mexico, the government estimates. The administration of Felipe Calderon had resisted pressure to publish the death figures for months, but the Attorney …
UN: Value of Afghan Opium up 133 Percent in 2011
Filed under: drug abuse statistics 2010
The UN Office on Drugs and Crime said the price rise was due to a plant disease that wiped out much of the opium crop in 2010. Although yields returned to pre-blight levels in 2011, the prices have remained high, the survey said. Definitive statistics …
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