MJ FANS: Isn’t This Kinda Depressing?

Question by KatieLovesMJ: MJ FANS: Isn’t this kinda depressing?
I’m reading his autobiography Moonwalk at the moment. well not exactly this moment, but i just have been reading it for the past couple days. Here’s two quotes: “By the time our song had come out, people thought that if I kept living in seclusion the way I was, I might die the way he (Elvis) did. The parallels aren’t there as far as I’m concerned and I was never much for scare tactics. Still, the way Elvis destroyed himself interests me, because I don’t ever want to walk those grounds myself.”

Quote 2: “A lot of children in the entertainment business ended up doing drugs and destroying themselves: Frankie Lymon, Bobbie Dryscoll, any of a number of child stars. And I can understand their turning to drugs, considering the enormous stresses put upon them at a young age. It’s a difficult life. Very few manage to maintain any semblance of a normal childhood. I myself have never even tried drugs–no marijuana, no cocaine, nothing. I mean, I haven’t even tried these things. Forget it.” He talks some more then here’s the last sentence..”–but I’ve seen drugs destroy too many lives to think they’re anything to fool with. I’m certainly no angel, and I may have my own bad habits, but drugs aren’t among them.”

Too late, huh Michael? It’s like he was saying..that he knows drugs are bad, prescription or recreational, and he would never do them. But he ended up doing them anyways. When I read these quotes, it made me feel really sad..because he believed he wouldn’t go down that path and he did. Anyone else feel the same way? Any other opinions?

If your hater, please don’t answer. Thanks.
what? I would never hate on MJ. i’m mean to haters cuz they answer mine and other people’s questions about someone they don’t like and say rude things. it makes no sense.

Best answer:

Answer by I ? fish
yes.. too sad. poor guy. people were so unfair to him and made fun of him all his life. his father messed him up an is trying to make $ outta his kids an making the jackson 3 w/ them. poor mj………….. however there r more important people in ur life to mourn………

p.s. thanks iMissuMichealjackson

Answer by mistycm13
hell yeah its hard but heres the thing michael didnt want to die from drugs dr murray conrad fed him drugs ike prolly thought he wasnt gonna die

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