Montco DA Launches Prescription Pill Disposal Program With Eye on Drug Prevention and Education
Montco DA launches prescription pill disposal program with eye on drug prevention and education
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
NORRISTOWN – The lethal road to heroin and other drug addictions often begins with prescription pills from the medicine cabinet.
Narconon Releases its New Prescription Drug Abuse Parent’s Guide at National Rx Summit in Orlando
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
Narconon International continues fight against pharmaceutical overdose deaths with new parents’ guide for educating children on dangers of abusing prescription drugs.(PRWEB) April 04, 2013 Narconon International has just released its new parents’ guide to prevent prescription drug abuse – 10 Things Parents May Not Know about Prescription Drugs — the first copies being handed out at the Narconon …
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