NFL Notebook: Rivera Says Newton Pro-Bowl Worthy

NFL notebook: Rivera says Newton pro-bowl worthy
Filed under: what does cocaine look like

Like I said, I can't think of a better person to do it than Gatesy.” Gates would have had the record weeks ago if not for painful plantar fasciitis that sidelined him for several games late last season and earlier this year. He's starting to look like …


It embarrasses me that Ken Agyapong is an MP – Felix Kwakye
Filed under: what does cocaine look like

“I sometimes do not understand why he is even engaged in public discourse because he is not disciplined”. He described the argument of the MP on the recent cocaine saga as completely ignorant of the whole situation. "Look, the NPP whose MP for Nkoranza …


Does Re-Entry Turn Tax Takers To Tax Payers?
Filed under: what does cocaine look like

I understand that you were incarcerated for attempted distribution of crack cocaine back in 2002. Do I have that right? MARTIN: And you were released two years later, right? MARTIN: In 2004, okay, and you were able to find employment? …


My Struggle With ADD: Using Cocaine to Fight the Symptoms
Filed under: what does cocaine look like

Like a film playing in slow-motion, with its subtitles sped up. My mind would stall and surge, slippery with short-circuits, prone to laser-beam intensity one day and languishing the next. I often struggled in school, was told I could and should do …


Obama does cocaine

Is this really who you want to be president?


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