NJ Report Links Corrupt Doctors to Drug Abuse

NJ report links corrupt doctors to drug abuse
In an effort to stem rising abuse of prescription painkillers and heroin in New Jersey, state investigators unveiled a report today that targets doctors and clinics with links to organized crime and the drug trade. The report focuses on supply-side issues and includes recommendations that would strengthen drug laws and give authorities more oversight over the medical community.
NADCP Conference to Host World’s Largest Gathering on Addiction, Mental Health & the Justice System
WASHINGTON — The National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP) will convene the world’s largest conference on addiction, mental health and the criminal justice system when they host the 19th …

Dr. Phil Interviews the Interventionist on Prescription Drug Abuse – Joani Gammill, author of the Hazelden published book, The Interventionist, appeared on the nationally syndicated CBS show “Dr. Phil.” The episode features Ga…