OCD Has Complete Control of My Life (10 Points)?

Question by Joe: OCD has complete control of my life (10 points)?
*This is long, but it’s all important. So please read it.*
I guess I have “religious” OCD. Well religion was the ORIGIN, but not the current issue. I was raised a Lutheran Christian. I attended church on a weekly basis up until about the age of 12. So in other words, I had a lot of terrifying ideas in my head.

Then I turned 13, and my religious views changed due to the fact that I had serious issues with my life. I went from the all honors classes, straight A student, to slowly failing. I dropped out of high school after my sophomore year. It broke my heart, but my reputation at my school was incredibly bad, mainly because of my attendance and grades, not to mention the fact that I was a compulsive liar (my way of trying to avoid the situations I was in). The bottom line is that I was a failure and didn’t have much hope for myself. I got to the point where I had a bottle of pills in my hand. But I didn’t give up. A month into the same summer I dropped out, I decided to change my life. I enrolled in a nearby town’s adult education night school program. It was the best decision I ever made. I was MYSELF again. The classes were, by no means, difficult. But with that said, the bottom line is that they were classes, and since I was only going to school for two hours a night, it was incredibly less stressful. That made it so much easier to learn, believe it or not. Rather than sitting scared in my room memorizing hundreds of words/pages/formulas in order to survive school, I was clear-minded and open to learning. I actually had the ability to learn, not just to have facts stuck in my head for a couple of days until I forgot them. I would say I learned more this past year than I have in my life.

But there was a problem that began. I’ve had ADD, anxiety, depression, and mild OCD since I was in kindergarten. As time continued in this new school, my OCD worsened. I don’t know why, but it did. I think it was because my mind was much more clear than originally, so my mind had the ability to ninja my brain. How it started is irrelevant though. All that matters is that it did, and it began to control me. There were a few main things that I noticed about the patterns in which it came about. It got increasingly worse when I was:

– Stressed
– Angry
– Trying hard to concentrate
– Thinking about it

I went on with my life and tried to ignore it. For the most part, I got away with it. However, it has affected me for sure. My obsession is constantly looking up in the air, as if praying to a God. That’s not what it’s about anymore, but like I said, that’s the origin of it all. What would happen is that I would be in class, looking up, and then suddenly would be asked a question by the teacher only to have no idea what she was saying…all because of the OCD. It’s not like this was happening on a daily basis, but it did happen enough so that it made me upset. Lately, being summer, it’s affected my leisure activities. Playing guitar, videogames, writing, reading, etc. Videogames have been the worst I think, because I play a few competitive games. I play Call of Duty, first and for most, and that’s about as stressful as games get. In case you don’t know, Call of Duty is a multiplayer game where you basically play on teams and try to eliminate the other team (in a nutshell). Getting killed is annoying to anybody, but ESPECIALLY me. Not that I take it personally, or even actually care, but the frustration/stress automatically falls right into my OCD. And once the OCD kicks in…BOOM. I lose total focus on the game. I am looking up so I don’t see some guy sniping. I am looking up, so I don’t see the grenade indicator, etc. And I know “it’s just a game”. I totally agree with that statement. But people take the game very seriously, and that makes me feel pressured to do good. And I truly do know that it’s my OCD that gives me those matches where I do horrendous. We all have our bad games, but when my OCD kicks in, I begin to fail. It happens to me too frequently, and as much as I really don’t care because it’s just a game, just knowing that my OCD is the cause makes me so upset. This causes me to rage-quit a lot (quit games in the middle due to frustration). So when I quit, I get really mad and upset. Quitting the game early automatically counts as a loss to your stats. And today, I saw my wins/loss ratio, and it’s the worst among my friends, and I know it’s because I rage-quit.

What I am trying to get at by talking about Call of Duty is that OCD affects me way too much, and I can’t even enjoy life because of it. I even want to read a book (NOT like me), but I can’t do it. I got “Under the Dome” by Stephen King, but I haven’t read past the first page, because I end up giving up and in tears. It is taking over my life, and I need advice. I am a good person, and having these kinds of things happe
Minister, first of all, you’re mixing up two completely different illnesses. I have OCD, yet every single thing you brought up involves schizophrenia. So don’t answer a question that you know nothing about. And take your preaching elsewhere. If I wanted your opinions on religion, I would have said so.

Best answer:

Answer by Serena
m. I think you should definitely ease off on the video games. seriously, I’ve heard that ppl who play World of Warcraft have lost their lives and marriages just b/c they were so obsessed with the game. Think of gaming as something that isn’t really living, and most of the outside world sees it as a waste of time, only the ones playing it take it so seriously.

And have you every thought of trying medication? It can be risky, but it can also really help to balance you out. It’d be best to talk to a therapist, or at least a doctor to see if it’s a good option.
I think reading is a good idea. But I know what you mean about frustration and feeling like it’s too hard to get into the book. Stephen King novels are serious and long. Try reading something funny, or intense but like an easy read. I have a pretty dry, sarcastic sort of humor, and my favorite funny/intense books are “Running with Scissors” by Augusten Burroughs. It’s really funny. and James Frey’s books. Maybe you’re already familiar with them, but they’re his ‘acclaimed’ memoirs of drug and alcohol addiction and recovery. A Million Little Pieces is really intense and good, and the sequel, My Friend Leonard is equally is good and much funnier.

Best of Luck

Answer by Minister ((Christian.))
Your problem is related to why many OCD victims hear threats outloud-how can OCD speak?

There is no medical practice to Psychiatry. Its only a belief system with no blood tests or science. People have problems from abuse or were simply into the occult. This is all that is found in every case- Source- Experience working in this area.

Hurting people hurt others. People and parents bully and use words to trick you. Many of you dont even know its abuse- ignoring, abuse brings sickness.. Seeing things and all the so called false mental problems start, but are not disorders.. It can cause all known so called mental problems.- BP, OCD, and all others…

Demons are fallen angels, angels who rebelled against God. Demons are evil, deceptive, and destructive. According to 2 Corinthians 11:14-15, demons masquerade as “angels of light” and as “servants of righteousness.” Appearing as a “ghost” and impersonating and talking as a deceased human being definitely is a disguise that demons use and do other things like messing with your mind, rapid cycling, instant crying- even when they are not visible and abuse brings them as well as other things.

Hearing voices? – Common words heard– Lets kill him/her/rape. So you have more than one entity speaking. Voices are heard plural. This is the classic demonic example.

PLUS – What mental illness causes objects to move in the house of the victims?

Theres power in Jesus NAME…..USE it and learn about abuse below. Test yourself.

Seach You Tube for ” Psychiatry Exposed” Real M.D.s show psychiatry is conjecture.-
Google this–“Inside the Mind of an Abuser’ See how people/parents lie and control.

I have many links for you to read on abuse and inner healing. 30 years exp- abuse

Source- Seeing people cured of this in ministry on a regular basis – anyone who asks for help.

Talk to me I have some questions for you.