OD vs. Substance Abuse?
Question by Gracyn: OD vs. Substance Abuse?
Does one overdose qualify as “substance abuse”? Would the hospital see it that way? Would the patient be turned down for ‘treatments’ such as dialysis?
Thank you. (I know dialysis isn’t a treatment)
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Answer by boo ?
Well when you abuse a substance, that means you’re not using it the way it is ment to be used (i.e. taking too much, addiction to it, etc..) Hospitals usually put an overdose with an attempted suicide if that was the intention of the overdose, but the individual will usually go through close evaluatation(s) first. When you hear the term ‘Substance Abuse’ most think of individuals who have been using illegal drugs (such as crack cocaine, methamphetamine, marijuana etc..) However, that’s not always the case..
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Hari Sharma’s 5th Talk on Cocaine Neurotoxicity in 11th ICNA, Quebec City, Canada Oct 3, 2012.mov – Aruna & Hari Sharma from Uppsala University were invited to 11th International Conference on Neuroprotective Agents held in Quebec City, Canada from Sept 30 to October 03, 2012. In this conference several works of Aruna & Hari Sharma were presented. In this video Hari Sharma presents work on cerium neurotoxicity in relation to cocaine abuse in details. This work was done in collaboration with Banaras Hindu University in professor Dr Mrs. Ranjana Patnaik laboratory. The salient new findings of the works show that cerium intoxication enhanced cocaine levels in the plasma and affects adversely brain pathology as compared to cocaine alone. The works was greatly appreciated by experts in the field including US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) scientists and NASA research laboratory experts.
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