Once Addicted, Woman Shares Story to Inspire Hope
Once addicted, woman shares story to inspire hope
Filed under: Cocaine Drug Treatment
Frank Robertson/Gazette Do you or a loved one need help with addiction and don't know where to turn? Call 211 or Paint Valley ADAMH at (740) 773-2283 to get connected with resources. If you're on a waiting list for treatment, call Paint Valley ADAMH to …
Read more on Chillicothe Gazette
Prescription Drug Abuse: Report Calls Parent Pill Popping An 'Epidemic'
Filed under: Cocaine Drug Treatment
One mother, identified as "Sara," struggled with drug addiction -– marijuana, cocaine, crystal meth and alcohol –- from the time she was 13. When she had her son at age 32, she had been clean for two years. Then when her son was about 8 or 9, …
Read more on Huffington Post
Another View: Drug treatment courts help reduce recidivism and save money
Filed under: Cocaine Drug Treatment
As a nation, we have come to the realization that our criminal justice system is filled with people with serious substance abuse issues. The “substances” range from alcohol to prescription drugs, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine.
Read more on The Bay City Times – MLive.com
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