Opinions on This Poem?
Question by Joseph: Opinions on this poem?
The “cocaine”… Slips my mind into a conscious coma. I see and experience life yet a sense of distance between my thoughts and the things I touch. My heart races, pounding like a drum. I know, I feel but can I explain or prove it? Of course not. And is there any reasoning why? No, just nature. Just the shove by the human essence, driving me to this drug… I’m an addict like any other, I’m “happy” when I’m on the high, but I’m truly happier when I’m clean of it.
-J. Ainsworth
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Answer by Kakarot
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Mac Miller Talks Lil Wayne, Rumors, Drugs, Kendrick Lamar + More – Exclusive in-depth interview with Mac Miller at Paid Dues. In part 2 Mac shares the story of how he got a verse from Lil Wayne for his favorite song off the Macadelic mix tape titled The Question? Mac said that he was surprised by how fast Wayne got the verse back to him after Mac had sent him the track, even faster than Kendrick Lamar whom he had also sent a track to and whom he talks to on a more regular basis. As the interview continues Nick asks Mac about several quotes Mac has recently posted on Twitter from fans concerned that he has changed and is addicted to Cocaine. Mac address the rumors and says that he is NOT addicted to any drugs! Mac concludes the interview by talking about his sophomore album and then projects he wants to put out before it. Subscribe to for our latest videos, including part 1 of our interview with Mac Miller and our previous two interviews with him. You can also follow us at and @Hardknocktv @NickHuff on twitter.
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