Parents Who Have Had Substance Abuse Issues in the Past…?

Question by luckytacs: Parents who have had substance abuse issues in the past…?
How has it/do you think it’ll affect your reaction to your kid’s experimentation?
Take me, for example. When I was 9, I started huffing. In 5th grade, I started drinking. From then throughout high school, I did many different drugs, including tobacco, weed, coke, ecstasy, shrooms, and various prescription drugs (vicodin, etc). I’m not saying any of it was a good idea, but out of these, the ONLY one I became addicted to was huffing, which I finally managed to break my sophomore year of high school. I’ve quit everything else except drinking, and that was no problem to put on hold for my pregnancy. It’s odd that the so called “little kid” drug was the one to get me, but it is addictive and it is dangerous. So, long story short, THAT drug is the one I’m really worried about for my kids, even more so than meth and heroin, simply because it was the one that probably would have ended up killing me.
What about other parents who’ve had substance abuse problems – say you were an alcoholic, are you especially worried about your kids becoming alcoholic? Or a cranker – are you especially worried about meth?
Just wondering how common this is. Thanks!
Let me clarify: I would be worried about any of these, but I think my instinctive reaction towards huffing would be more severe. For example, if I caught them drinking, I would be upset but probably have more of a “they’re experimenting, it’s not the end of the world” attitude than I would have if I caught them huffing paint.

Best answer:

Answer by Parent
There is a definite predisposition to addictions. The choice of drugs will vary from individual to individual. If you were/are an addict, then the chances are a lot higher that your kids will also. The problem is a lot of people who had problems weren’t actually addicts. Just had other issues that needed addressing. If there is even a chance a addiction ruining in the family tree. That little experimenting could be all it takes to get a child off and running. Their choice could be something completely different from yours.

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