Please I Need to Know if I Should Be Honest About My Prior Military Experience on a Job Application?

Question by 1eyeWilly: Please i need to know if i should be honest about my prior military experience on a job application?
I have been out of work for almost a year coming July 26 and i desperately need a job period. I made the mistake of using SPICE during my 2 years 6months of military career and got caught doing it. I am afraid that I may never get a job with the words ”Drug Abuse” as the reason for leaving on a job application. I received a Other Than Honorable Discharge.

Best answer:

Answer by Austin Quinn
My suggestion is go in front of the Army Discharge Review Board. A lot of people don’t know this but they have the authority to grant “clemency” if they find the character of the discharge was too harsh based on your enlistment records and post-discharge activity. These are the two sites I recommend visiting…
The above site guides you through the process of applying for an upgrade
This site in my opinion is pure gold. It has every case presented to the board for the last decade. My suggestion is read the outcomes and why peoples’ requests were accepted or denied.

Not going to lie, not very many drug abuse cases get upgraded, but there are a few that have been. Make sure to have references/character letters and any achievements that you’ve accomplished before, during, and after your enlistment. The biggest mistake I’ve seen is people send in a request with the biggest and saddest story they can muster, but the board doesn’t care for those things. You have to show them why they should grant you clemency based on contentions that you can back up with paperwork. Oh…and appearing before the board in person dramatically increases your chance of success.

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