Police: Woman Murders Grandmother, Steals TV for Drug Money

Police: Woman murders grandmother, steals TV for drug money
Filed under: drug rehab clinics

A program where if an addict is so desparate to even consider an act like this one, can instead go to a hospital and get 1 dose of their drug of choice in return for being locked in rehab for 90 days. Chances are they will choose the immediate high and …


2011: The year in boxing – From headbutts and drug tests to rehab and record
Filed under: drug rehab clinics

From headbutts and drug tests to rehab and record breaking, 2011 had it all. Along the way we saw the odd decent fight, but controversy reigned supreme… as always! The two biggest stories that stick out for me were Floyd Mayweather's KO over Victor …


State cuts to Medicaid affect patients, providers
Filed under: drug rehab clinics

In Columbia, SC, Julie Ann Avin, executive director of the private, nonprofit Mental Illness Recovery Center Inc., has decided not to fill staff vacancies and also cut back on some rehab services because of Medicaid's new authorization process. …



rant about general topic kratom,is one of my many trees,is mitryagonia specosia or close,ha,is a red plant,is opium substitute=.is a general relaxet,is illegal in thailand and is also a good profit for drug rehab clinics,is a medicnal =to opiate.non habit forming ,has non verified proof of any medical problems,is ten foot tree easy to grow dies in, cold winter, frost, freeze, botritis,is, warm moist, well watered loving.


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