POLL: What Is a Better Option? 90 Days in County Jail? or 5 Years Probation? What Would You Choose? Help Me!?

Question by Luke: POLL: What is a better option? 90 Days in County Jail? OR 5 Years Probation? What would you choose? help me!?
1 year ago, I got arrested for “Harrasment 1st Degree”, “Unlawful Communications”, “Interfering with Police”, “Breaking into a Vehicle”, “Trespassing” and “Possession of Cocaine”

First off, I’m not some loser druggie. What happened was that I was a bit upset at my ex-girlfriend and I sent her some threatening text messages and intimidated her new boyfriend, and may have stalked them. Not for creepy reasons but to contribute to my next plan.
I got caught trying to frame my ex-girlfriends new boyfriend with cocaine. I did not know I was under police watch at the time but I broke into his car and home and planted cocaine that I had bought earlier. My plan was to make a call to the police and get him caught in a bunch of legal jumbles. It turns out they caught me during my plan and arrested me. I got taken into the county jail like a common vagrant and they made me put on a horrific blue jumpsuit. My bail was set at 75,000 dollars.

I spent 10 days there until I got bailed out. Now I got a lawyer and well I did a bunch of felonies and due to the fact that the judge would most likely get upset that I tried framing someone my only option is a plea.

I got offered 2 choices. 5 years probation with anger management classes or 90 Days in County Jail.

Now I already spent 10 days in jail and it wasn’t to bad. I still think it’s ridiculous that someone like me who has never been arrested is being treated like a criminal.

But 5 years of being watched by the system seems like alot, but I’d be free just watched and supervised, 90 days is just 3 months, but I’d be in jail not free.

What would you choose? Give me an honest opinion.

Of course there is always the option of ignoring the plea bargain and going to trial. but given my felony charges if found guilty I could face 4 years in prison.
@shimmy- thanks, but first off, i was already in jail for 10 days and there was no rape, I was in minimum security, just a dormitory with ppl for dui’s and drugs, no rape, but 90 days is a lot of boredom, but 5 years of having a po checking up on me like a criminal is also alot

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