Poster Lab: White Reindeer, Another Cheeky Desecration of Hallowed Holiday

Poster Lab: White Reindeer, Another Cheeky Desecration of Hallowed Holiday
The trailer for writer/director Zach Clark's White Reindeer doesn't seem to feature any cocaine use, but it might as well. Depicting the … Perhaps when Suzanne completes her cathartic and "sinful" rebirth, Christmas will merely be a feeling in her …
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Thank God for public smoking ban
Added to that is the psychological addiction of feeling the cigarette in the fingers and mouth, the feeling of the smoke in the airway, and the pleasant social activities (friends, alcohol, parties, clubs, unwinding, relaxation) that many associate …
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Why Was Gus Deeds Rejected?
Ethylene glycol is the poisonous substance responsible for the death and illness in humans and animals from the ingestion of antifreeze. Propylene glycol, on the other hand, is used to reduce the toxicity of antifreeze. In fact, despite its use in …
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