Rehab Not Geared to Sniffers
Rehab not geared to sniffers
Filed under: drug rehab clinics
Many treatment centres won't even accept solvent abusers. Other treatment centres, especially for youth, prefer to downplay how many solvent addicts they see because it discourages other addicts from coming in for rehab, fearing the stigma. …
Once-prominent Colorado sheriff now faces charges
Filed under: drug rehab clinics
Sullivan said he sought the order because the man was aggressive toward him while they worked on drug rehabilitation. The next day, Sullivan persuaded a judge to drop the restraining order and showed up at the Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. Detention Center …
Narconon Freedom Center Add Drug Abuse Intervention Specialists For The Holidays
Filed under: drug rehab clinics
Narconon Freedom Center adds additional drug abuse intervention specialists for the holidays when the pressure to party and abuse alcohol, drugs and prescription drugs is at its peak for the year. Families should consider giving an invention as rehab …
Kicking It narrated by Colin Farrell
Directed by Susan Koch and narrated by Colin Farrell, Kicking It, is a feature length documentary that chronicles the lives of seven players taking a once in a lifetime opportunity to represent their country at the Cape Town 2006 Homeless World Cup. Najib from war torn Afghanistan; Alex from the slums of Kenya; Damien and Simon from the drug rehab clinics of Dublin, Ireland; Craig from the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina; Jesus from the overflowing public shelters of Madrid, Spain, and Slavan from the shadow culture of the illegal rural immigrants to the big city of St. Petersburg, Russia. Watch the Trailer
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