REVIEW: Narco Cultura – of Drugs, Murder, and Polka
REVIEW: Narco Cultura – Of Drugs, Murder, and Polka
Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, Quintero, a 27-year-old Mexican-American who's done some jail time but is largely a wannabe when it comes to criminal enterprise, maintains close relationships with actual banditos, who tell him what kind of guns they use and …
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Peru 2 drug duo's guilty pleas rejected
Now, prosecutors are calling for a new hearing in which Reid and McCollum will be asked to provide further information about the drug traffickers who allegedly forced them to transport the cocaine. The Irish Times quotes Rosas as saying “They will be …
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Ebony and Black Violence
To quote the t-shirt: Its a black thing. You wouldn't understand. And since most people don't, Adams has a prescription: "If you … According to the medical journal Addictive Behaviors, "underreporting of cocaine was documented with urine testing …
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