Stroke Risk Increases With Cocaine Use!
Stroke Risk Increases With Cocaine Use!
Cocaine is a highly addictive drug. Some of the short-term physiological effects that occur from cocaine use include dilated pupils, increased body temperature, heart rate changes, and blood high pressure according to NIDA (The National Institute on …
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'10 Day Detox Diet' author Mark Hyman tells how to end sugar addiction and …
“Some animal studies show that sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine,” says Dr. Mark Hyman, who's been researching the effect of the sweet stuff on our systems for 20 years, and has compiled the latest findings into his new book, “The Blood …
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Clarence Page: Don't overreact to celebrity drug deaths
So did the Reagan-era war against crack cocaine and other drugs in the 1980s following the shocking cocaine overdose of rising basketball star Len Bias. Every heroin death … Yet, as Dr. Satel noted in a recent article for Bloomberg, many people …
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