daily mail

Drugs Addiction Video

Drugs addiction video – Drug addiction video for a school assignment.


New Narconon Video Helps Youth Deliver a Drug-Free Message at 5K/10K Race
At a time when marijuana use is in the headlines, Narconon Drug Prevention and Education… Continue reading

The Sugar Detox: Health Experts Are Calling Sugar the New Nicotine. This Major

The sugar detox: Health experts are calling sugar the new nicotine. This major
Their study found that the rodents chose sugar eight times more often than cocaine — which is pretty shocking when you learn that they used rats… Continue reading

Young Couple Accused of Horrific Child Abuse That Left Twin Boys With Cracked

Young couple accused of horrific child abuse that left twin boys with cracked
According to police in Tulsa, Clorinda 'Chloe' Archuleta, 24, waited several days before seeking medical attention for the injured infants, and then she only took one… Continue reading

Legal Highs a Bigger Problem in Britain Than Heroin and Cocaine, Lib Dem

Legal highs a bigger problem in Britain than heroin and cocaine, Lib Dem
He said that the Government has decades of history about the effects of cocaine and heroin, which has helped them to come up with a… Continue reading

Documentary Special: King Hit

Documentary special: king hit
And when he hit the ground, he hit his head on the concrete and the guy kicked him in the head and in the body and he knee-dropped onto his chest. And then … That's one… Continue reading

Bid to Turn St Wilfrid's School Site Into Drug and Alcohol Rehab Unit

Bid to turn St Wilfrid's School site into drug and alcohol rehab unit
Plans have been tabled to turn St Wilfrid's School in Fox Street, Preston, into new unit for alcohol and drug rehabilitation services. An application has been submitted… Continue reading