drug use

Response About the Movie “trainspotting”? How Does It Shows Drug and Alcohol Abuse?

Question by gursewak s: response about the movie “trainspotting”? how does it shows drug and alcohol abuse?

Best answer:

Answer by Amshaegar *UK*
It shows it like it is.

Answer by jsplat24
trainspotting shows drug use as a terrible, dangerous,… Continue reading

Screening Services | ARCpoint Labs

Screening Services | ARCpoint Labs – ARCpoint is a full-service third-party administrator and testing facility, providing affordable drug, alcohol, DNA, steroid, background screening. As well as…


Experts say early drug use leads to more significant effects
“Don't underestimate pot.… Continue reading

In an Epic 6-Minute Exchange, Oregon Congressman Eviscerates U.S. Drug Policy

In an Epic 6-Minute Exchange, Oregon Congressman Eviscerates U.S. Drug Policy
… alone thanks to fatal cases of respiratory depression and accidental overdose. As mentioned, marijuana is an excellent pain manager and moreover, there are no evident long-term cardiovascular problems… Continue reading

Comment: High Times Brought Down to Earth – Are Drugs Passé?

Comment: High times brought down to earth – are drugs passé?
There are signs that society is changing the way it talks about drug use – but where is this discussion taking us, and what does it mean for its… Continue reading

How Should Policy Makers React to the E-Cigarette Boom?

How should policy makers react to the e-cigarette boom?
There is not enough data to be sure right now, but that e-cigarettes profess to be a healthier alternative to conventional cigarettes, while still promoting the addictive qualities of tobacco, is… Continue reading

Probation Ordered in Wisconsin Dells Crack Cocaine Case

Probation ordered in Wisconsin Dells crack cocaine case
18, ordered Dixon to serve four years of probation; Voigt ordered Dixon, in addition to undergoing treatment for addiction issues, to have no contact with drug users or dealers. Voigt also ordered… Continue reading