Reformed Drug Dealer Grateful for a Second Chance
Reformed drug dealer grateful for a second chance
"This is a case where rehabilitation plays a key role. You don't just have a job, … In November 2012, Ottawa changed the law so that those charged with crimes like conspiracy… Continue reading
Home + School Programs Modestly Slow Teen Prescription Drug Abuse
Home + School Programs Modestly Slow Teen Prescription Drug Abuse
Home + School Programs Modestly Slow Teen Prescription Drug Abuse Teen prescription drug abuse programs have experienced mixed levels of effectiveness, ranging from big drops in drug abuse to no… Continue reading
Slain Man's Sister Raises Reward
Slain man's sister raises reward
MacDonald was arrested after drugs and drug paraphernalia were found at his home, but he pleaded guilty to possession with intent to sell and deliver cocaine, the sale and delivery of cocaine and conspiracy to… Continue reading
Are Schools Asking to Drug Kids for Better Test Scores?
Are Schools Asking to Drug Kids for Better Test Scores?
But the drugs also lead to more focused attention, even in the elite college students who pop Adderall before an exam, risking substance abuse in the mad pursuit of even… Continue reading
Charlotte Dawson Bombarded With Vile Messages Over Twitter Before Death
Charlotte Dawson bombarded with vile messages over Twitter before death
The tragedy was discovered the day after the birthday of her former husband, Scott Miller, an Australian Olympic silver medal-winning swimmer who became addicted to the drug ice and accrued… Continue reading
Report: Dolphins Had 'Pattern of Harassment'
Report: Dolphins Had 'Pattern of Harassment'
“The facts do not support a conclusion that Jonathan Martin's mental health, drug use, or on field performance issues were related to the treatment by his teammates. “It is disappointing that Mr. Wells …… Continue reading