drug use

Popping Xanax Is More Harmful Than You Think

Popping Xanax is more harmful than you think
"Dependence on benzodiazepines like Xanax is a serious problem, especially among young women," said Harris Stratyner, cochairman of the medical scientific subcommittee of the nonprofit group National Council on Alcoholism and Drug… Continue reading

Marijuana vs. Tobacco Health Issues?

Question by Asdfasd F: Marijuana vs. Tobacco health issues?
This is for my wellness class and i need to make a poster about the side effects of both.

they can be GOOD or BAD side effects, my teacher is very… Continue reading

Buzzing Babies Frappuccinos Are Kids' Gateway Drug to Caffeine Addiction

Buzzing babies Frappuccinos are kids' gateway drug to caffeine addiction
Instead of getting wired from drinking soda, like the kids of the past, American children are now getting their caffeine fix from a new source: coffee. And specialty drinks… Continue reading

Parents, Be Warned!: Are Your Children Snorting Smarties?

Parents, be warned!: Are your children snorting Smarties?
Precursor to future cigarette smoking and drug use – although there is no addictive piece to Smarties, the concern is this behavior may lead to cigarette smoking or snorting of drugs. Now,… Continue reading

Addiction as a Disease?

Question by Sara22: Addiction as a disease?
Ok, so I understand how the use of drugs can create neurological pathways that stay there and that cause cravings and such, which is addiction. But…even considering that addiction is a disease of… Continue reading

'Their Faith Keeps Them Clean': Homeless People Who Go to Church Better Resist

'Their faith keeps them clean': Homeless people who go to church better resist
Homeless people who regularly attend church or other religious ceremonies are less likely to consume alcohol, cocaine and opioids, suggests a new B.C. study that argues… Continue reading