In Fight With Opiate Overdoses, N.J. County Issues Antidote to Police
In fight with opiate overdoses, N.J. county issues antidote to police
Last year, New Jersey enacted a law that allowed drug users to call for emergency medical assistance without fear of prosecution for minor drug crimes. … Views expressed in… Continue reading
Depressant, Stimulant, or Hallucinogen?
Question by Dick: depressant, stimulant, or hallucinogen?
1. causes reflex actions of the body to slow down
2. gives feelings of energy and alertness at first
3. distorts vision, perception, and other senses
4. slows down body’s central nervous system… Continue reading
Groups Urge Tennessee Governor to Veto Prenatal Drug Use Bill
Groups urge Tennessee governor to veto prenatal drug use bill
"We all want to promote healthy pregnancies by providing pregnant women struggling with a drug or alcohol dependency with the opportunity to seek the best possible prenatal care and substance… Continue reading
Obama Plans Clemency for Hundreds of Drug Offenders
Obama plans clemency for hundreds of drug offenders
Thirty years after skyrocketing urban violence and drug use sparked politicians to impose longer and longer sentences for drug crimes, America now incarcerates a higher rate of its population than any other… Continue reading
DOJ to Expand Clemency Rules for Drug Offenders
DOJ To Expand Clemency Rules for Drug Offenders
While the rules were recently changed, many people remain in prison who were sentenced under the old system that treated offenses related crack cocaine much more harshly than for powder cocaine. DOJ… Continue reading
MMA's Catch-22 Drug Trap: Why So Many Fighters Fall Into Addiction
MMA's Catch-22 Drug Trap: Why So Many Fighters Fall Into Addiction
For months I've wanted to get started on an article discussing drug use among MMA athletes, but just haven't gotten my fingers to the keyboard. For some reason, after… Continue reading