drug use

Pills a Gateway to Heroin, Officials Say

Pills a Gateway to Heroin, Officials Say
“The pathway appears to be now moving from the prescription drugs to heroin, a very dangerous development,' said Dr. Wilson Compton, deputy director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Opioid prescription painkillers… Continue reading

Why Are Some Questions I’ve Asked Been Removed From “Answers”?

Question by A: why are some questions I’ve asked been removed from “Answers”?
It wasn’t offensive or illegal at all. One question I had was “is there money in the metal industry”? Another was; “is it better to combine car… Continue reading

Steelers Safety Stirs the Pot About NFL Drug Use

Steelers safety stirs the pot about NFL drug use
The issue of marijuana use in the NFL heated up because the teams in Super Bowl XLVIII, Seattle and Denver, come from the two states that recently legalized the drug's use.… Continue reading

Charleston-Area Heroin Use Trending Upward?

Charleston-area heroin use trending upward?
It can be injected, inhaled by snorting or sniffing, or smoked. All three methods deliver the … The number of recorded heroin deaths nearly doubled nationally between 2000 and 2012, and the National Survey on… Continue reading

Crack Pipe Vending Machines Slammed by Feds

Crack Pipe Vending Machines Slammed By Feds
“While the NDP and Liberals would prefer that doctors hand out heroin and needles to those suffering from addiction, this government supports treatment that ends drug use, including limiting access to drug paraphernalia… Continue reading

The One Statistic to Forever Scare You Away From Drugs

The One Statistic to Forever Scare You Away From Drugs
According to a newly released study from the Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, hard drug users who use both heroin and cocaine have a mortality rate that is 14.3 times… Continue reading