The Drug Users Resource Center in Vancouver, British Columbia (heralded previously in News of the Weird for a vending machine dispensing 25-cent crack-cocaine pipes to discourage addicts from committing crimes to fund their habit), launched a… Continue reading
Heroin Fast Becoming Ulster County's 'Most Prevalent' Drug (VIDEO)
Heroin fast becoming Ulster County's 'most prevalent' drug (VIDEO)
Sullivan goes to the clinic five days a week for methadone and also attends The Bridge Back of Kingston Hospital, a treatment center at 10 Barbarosa Lane that provides medically-supervised alcohol… Continue reading
Diversion Program Possible for Accused Psychiatrist
Diversion program possible for accused psychiatrist
Those specialized courts are dedicated for individuals suffering from substance abuse or mental health issues. Parrinello wants Lewek evaluated for substance abuse and mental health troubles. Parrinello said he sees evidence of both and… Continue reading
Why Is Marijuana Illegal?
Question by X_Miami95: Why is marijuana illegal?
Not trying to sound like a hippy but other than that, they have legalized things that many people overdose and go through addiction on lab made substances
Best answer:
Answer by Alex
money… Continue reading
My Son Is a Drug Addict. What Should I Do?
Question by Henry Wood: My son is a drug addict. What should I do?
Oh no, my son is seriously addicted to so many drugs that it is scary. Just yesterday, I caught him huffing glue and trying to get… Continue reading
ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens!
ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens! – ADHD Prescription Drug Abuse: Teens! Ashley, a College student is interviewed by Dr. Charles Shinaver about prescription drug abuse at college. Is Adderall A…
Drug abuse on rise among Mass. teens
Teens in… Continue reading