Speaking of Weed…..?
by Timmo
Question by Sexy Texy: Speaking of weed…..?
I’ve just always wondered this and now that Y!A is here I guess it’s a good place to ask:
After high school a good friend of mine went off to… Continue reading
COVER STORY: Legal Drugs, Lethal Highs
COVER STORY: Legal drugs, lethal highs
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
Prescription drug abuse among young people has rapidly become a public health crisis — and it’s here on the North Shore.
Teens, Communities and Scientific Experts… Continue reading
What Are the Effects of Habitual Marijuana Use on the Human Body?
Question by David: What are the effects of habitual marijuana use on the human body?
I have seen the study that was made in 1975 that concluded that it kills brain cells, but has since been… Continue reading
Why Is Pot/weed Illegal?
Question by Micah N: Why is pot/weed illegal?
I know most illegal drugs have a major health cost…but why is pot illegal when it does less damage than alcohol?
Best answer:
Answer by Distortion
People have… Continue reading
Drug Problems Causing Problems Across Suburbs
Drug problems causing problems across suburbs
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
As struggles with drug addiction continue to challenge families across the area and nation, local law enforcement agencies are also working to better understand and prevent the complex… Continue reading
VIDEO: Zambia's Battle Against Drug Addiction
VIDEO: Zambia's battle against drug addiction
Filed under: Drug Abuse and Addiction
The abuse of illegal drugs such as marijuana and heroin is growing in Zambia. BBC Africa's Mutuna Chanda reports from Lusaka.
Savant HWP Announces NIDA Funding… Continue reading