How Long Will It Be Until a Serious Investigation Is Carried Out Into Institutions Such as the WWE?
Question by chugmclean1888: How long will it be until a serious investigation is carried out into institutions such as the WWE?
Three people, in VERY recent years, have died as a result of alleged substance abuse in the WWE. Three… Continue reading
Writer, Doyle Estate Dispute Copyright on Sherlock
Writer, Doyle estate dispute copyright on Sherlock
… in the public domain in the U.S. That includes their family backgrounds, education and a slew of character traits: Holmes' Bohemian nature and cocaine use, erratic eating habits, his Baker Street lodgings,… Continue reading
Resurgence of Certain Drugs Causing Increase in Hospital Intervention
Resurgence of certain drugs causing increase in hospital intervention
“I used cocaine, alcohol and all kinds of other drugs, but it was predominantly methamphetamine.” After leaving … The effects of any drugs are dangerous to any user, but medical intervention… Continue reading
Tobacco, Drug Use in Pregnancy Can Double Risk of Stillbirth
Tobacco, drug use in pregnancy can double risk of stillbirth
Smoking tobacco or marijuana, taking prescription painkillers, or using illegal drugs during pregnancy is associated with double or even triple the risk of stillbirth, according to research funded by the… Continue reading
UK Players Want Lighter Penalties for Recreational Drugs
UK players want lighter penalties for recreational drugs
LONDON: A union representing British sportsmen and women has launched legal action in Switzerland to try to ensure more sympathetic treatment for athletes caught using recreational drugs. The Professional Players Federation (PPF),… Continue reading
Nigella Lawson's Cookbooks Coke-Fuelled, Court Told
Nigella Lawson's cookbooks coke-fuelled, court told
Nigella Lawson took cocaine to help her work through the night when she was writing her cookbooks, a jury has been told. Lawson found it easier to work during the night and “needed… Continue reading