the guardian

What Is Narco-Deforestation and How Is It Destroying Forests?

What is Narco-Deforestation and How is it Destroying Forests?
As reported in The Guardian, Kendra McSweeney, the co-author of “Drug Policy as Conservation Policy: Narco-Deforestation” explains, ”These protected ecological zones have become the hub for South American cocaine.” … These… Continue reading

Jason Statham Almost Drowned on Set

Jason Statham almost drowned on set
"They have a large suite for their living quarters an Kanye has another room that he uses to record in." The couple, who are set to get married in Paris on May 24, ….… Continue reading

Mountainside Offers Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow to Alcoholics

Mountainside Offers Help For Today, Hope For Tomorrow to Alcoholics
April is Alcohol Awareness Month, and Mountainside Drug Rehab and Alcohol Treatment Center joins in the national campaign to raise awareness about alcoholism and its impact on young people, families… Continue reading

NYC Official: Hoffman Died of Toxic Mix of Drugs

NYC official: Hoffman died of toxic mix of drugs
Hoffman died from a mix of heroin, cocaine, amphetamines and benzodiazepines, which are psychoactive drugs, said a spokeswoman for the New York City medical examiner. The death was ruled an accident.… Continue reading

Does Anyone Know of Any Herbs to Help a Man Last Longer in Bed?

Question by karriebarbee100906: Does anyone know of any herbs to help a man last longer in bed?
Please help I really would like to have my husband last a while longer!!
I guess I wasn’t specific enough. My husband will… Continue reading

Addiction Help

Addiction Help – We have a 24 hour addiction hotline service to take the steps needed for addiction help.


Barry Staubus column: Requiring prescription for pseudoephedrine best anti
The effects of this dangerous drug are particularly evident… Continue reading