The Lemonheads' Evan Dando Weighs in on the Band's Sweet-Sour Sound

The Lemonheads' Evan Dando Weighs in on the Band's Sweet-Sour Sound
It grew out of the band's early, punkier years, and as Dando's songwriting matured, it found its way into fan favorites from “It's A Shame About Ray” to “Rudderless” to “Hospital”—the latter a recollection of his own time in rehab, recovering from …
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Ranking The Least Anticipated Phoenix Suns Seasons
Not to mention, to that point Westphal was a reserve for Boston and a guy who'd failed to average more than 9.8 points per game in his first 3 NBA seasons. As for Van Arsdale, he was already in his 30s and 4 seasons removed from his last …. How It …
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Boston Plan Seeks To Reduce Homelessness
Banks, an ex-drug addict and convicted felon, gives the city high marks for drug rehab programs but low grades for jobs training. “We get denied a lot of opportunities to get a job even though we changed our lives around because of our history,” she said.
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