This Is Really Bothering Me…i Recently Found Out That My Husbands Ex Gf…?
Question by Kriss: This is really bothering me…i recently found out that my husbands ex gf…?
from a few years ago was a coke head, she did cocaine “recreationally” and he asked her out knowing this…why on eartth would he date a cocaine addict??this seems very unlike him, she isnt in his life anymore but its kinda creepy, yes people have addictions but i would never knowing date one…and think nothing of it…he has also dated strippers (not a classy strip club either) he dated strippers way before me as we have an 11 year age dif…this was about 10-15 years ago…but finding this out just really icked me out, i didnt think he was the kind of guy who wold date a drug addict for a good 5 years as im anything but that…i am not like the women he dated at all.
we did talk about our past relationships before getting married but he clearly lied about the women he dated, i found this out b his friend who goofed up when we were all here.
Best answer:
Answer by chaz
Sounds like he went through a phase of getting what he could get.. but now he’s met you he seems settled and confortable with you and in himself
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